I find many of the conversations I have with organisations who want to up their sales game face the same sort of issues, when to hire someone new and/or when to focus on improving your existing strategy before passing the buck to someone new. The cost of getting it wrong and hiring someone when your existing processes aren’t in place can be a huge issue.
So let's have a look at the “sales-ready audit”
I recommend to prospective and existing clients below. For new clients it’s a great starting point and then if issues are identified you can do a deeper dive into the individual areas and resolve as you go, this can take time – but better to do it now than bear the cost of getting it wrong later. For existing clients, I recommend a “sales audit” annually or thereabouts as it’s easy to drift off the Sales focus if you are busy and successful – which naturally I hope all my clients are!
So here is a list of ten questions an organisation should look at
before considering hiring someone to take control of their Sales;
1. What market you are selling into? Do you have an ideal customer profile?
Think about creating customer personas each with their own sales approach.
2. What is your objective with regards to growth and what you are looking to win?
How much are you looking to achieve of what and over what time? Setting realistic measurable targets will help everyone know where they stand and the walk don’t run approach is best here
3. Do you have a good robust CRM system to monitor and control sales?
Be sure to enter contacts and opportunities so that they are not lost and forgotten, and the system should enable you to monitor and measure activity.
4. Do you have a sales process and a clear understanding of what a pipeline looks like?
A simple but robust sales process creating a solid sales pipeline can make all the difference.
5. Do you have a Forecasting process?
To identify any problems, info gather, data analyse, decide on appropriate model for resolving problem and feedback on said model.
6. Do you have good up to date Marketing materials including testimonials, data and case studies?
Does your website reflect what you do today? Marketing material can date very quickly, simple changes and tweaks can make a world of difference. Case studies allow a snapshot of the heart of your business.
7. Do you have a Payplan to deliver and drive the behaviour you require to achieve your plan and objectives?
i.e., the methods, procedures, and salary schedules for competitively compensating employees at market-based rates for work performed.
8. Is your Company story and power statement up to date and does it still reflect who you are as a business?
Attention to detail and being current is key for you and your new prospective hire.
And then the very last steps before proceeding to recruitment;
9. Pause any planned upcoming marketing campaigns
so that the Sales and Marketing heads can work together for mutual benefit and expertise.
10. Write a Job description
with clear targets and objectives
Thanks for reading,
Paul Lloyd, Sellerly.
MSP/ VAR Sales Problem Solver,
Sales Management Mentor
P.S Did you know I’m a passionate bee enthusiast and keeper? Here’s your bee fact of the month;
“The honey bee is the only insect that produces food eaten by man.”